Bookmarks: 5 Interesting Articles to Help You This Week
/November 14th, 2016
Each week, I select a few articles that rise above the fray and hopefully help you on your journey in the CRE world. They pull from one of four "corners:" corporate real estate, technology, management science and anything positive. I welcome your comments on these articles and the submissions of others (with credit to you if I post them). I wish you a terrific week!Big Companies Start Buying Into WeWork Offices"In the last year, WeWork has established a new team that caters to the needs of large companies. The New York startup, which keeps citrus spa water and beer kegs at the ready for its co-working customers, woos them with a hip, bustling workplace crowded with entrepreneurs and inspiration." Morning People Thrive"This week in the medical journal Pediatrics, Owens and colleagues found that even among people who sleep the same number of hours, there are behavioral, emotional, and cognitive differences between people who are “night owls” and people who are “morning larks.” This is what she and some sleep experts have lately begun calling a person’s chronotype: the idea that people are “programmed” or “wired” to sleep later or earlier in any 24-hour period." www.theatlantic.comMeet America’s Least Likely Media Mogul: AT&T Boss Randall Stephenson"When AT&T Inc. Chief Executive Randall Stephenson addressed hundreds of employees last month, he surprised them with his topic: a nuanced discussion of the Black Lives Matter movement and racial justice in America." www.wsj.comBig-Box Warehouse Sector Breaks Records in Demand, New Construction"This is happening because of the incredibly fast shift in demand for e-commerce; this has never happened before in the supply chain,” he says. “Absorption continues to outpace new construction, and while some retailers are starting to be able to compete with Amazon, there are others that are just getting started on their e-commerce strategies. Companies are becoming more adept, and investment is shifting away from stores to the distribution centers.”[tweet_box design="box_09"]Industrial absorption continues to outpace new construction, and while some..are starting to be able to compete with AMZN, there are others that are just getting started on their e-commerce strategies #cre[/tweet_box]When You Outgrow Your iCloud StorageHow can I tell how much iCloud storage I have? Should I look at my iPhone or my computer? Your success blesses others. I wish you a great a hugely impactful week!