Bookmarks: 5 Interesting Articles to Help You This Week

March 13th, 2017

Credit: iStockEach week, I select a few articles that rise above the fray and hopefully help you on your journey in the CRE world. They pull from one of four "corners:" corporate real estate, technology, management science and anything positive. I welcome your comments on these articles and the submissions of others (with credit to you if I post them). I wish you a terrific week!Why Do Employees Stay? A Clear Career Path and Good Pay, for Starters"At Glassdoor, we have ample data on workers’ job trajectories from millions of résumés that people have shared on our site. Looking at those résumés, we can gain insight into the reasons for employee turnover by comparing job transitions where workers stayed with their original employer with those where people left for another company."

[tweet_box design="box_09" float="none"]escalating workers through new job titles over time isn’t enough; making sure pay is competitive is also essential to retaining talent[/tweet_box]

Why We Don’t Value Flextime Enough“Even when flextime is available, its attractiveness depends on how it is perceived by others, particularly by higher-ups. Employees may wonder, for example, whether they will be at a disadvantage for promotion if they don’t put in enough face time at the office during business hours. If we really are going to change the way that people think about the benefits of flextime, managers need to make it clear that there is no stigma attached to

Pop-Up Workspaces: The New Hype in Amsterdam"Popices launched with a new offering: indoor spaces. Their portfolio includes restaurants, cafes, a hotel, and even a converted house-boat. Baker tells us that each space offers different perks, but that “if you compare it to Airbnb, we basically guarantee members a bed (desk + chair) and all the other extras depend on the location they choose." www.

How The Top Real Estate Tycoon In LA Overcame MS To Achieve Success"Pardee took a year off from working to focus on her values and what was most important to her. She attended the LifeForward program through the Hudson Institute of Coaching in Santa Barbara, which gave her the tools to get her life under control. “I was able to hone in on what was important to me in each area of my life – personal, family, friends, business and community. I had to make a commitment to live within my values and be true to myself. I had to learn to give up things I could not change. I made visions boards for my life that incorporated creative ways to live in the moment and truly appreciate every day. Rather than letting the MS diagnosis set me back, I took control of my life and made an actionable plan.”

The American Suburbs as we Know Them Are Dying"People in US suburbs are changing the way they shop, where they eat, and what they want in their homes.Malls are shutting down as e-commerce continues to take over, and the casual-dining chains that fed shoppers after a day of hoofing it through the mall are struggling to

Your success blesses others. I wish you a great a hugely impactful week!Ken