Bookmarks: 5 Interesting Articles to Help You This Week

April 11th, 2017

Credit: iStockEach week, I select a few articles that rise above the fray and hopefully help you on your journey in the CRE world. They pull from one of four "corners:" corporate real estate, technology, management science and anything positive. I welcome your comments on these articles and the submissions of others (with credit to you if I post them). I wish you a terrific week!Downtown Brooklyn’s Dearth of Office Space Beckons Tishman Speyer"Twenty-first-century real estate is defined by a ‘live-work-play’ dynamic,” said Rob Speyer, the president of Tishman Speyer. “Brooklyn has mastered ‘live-play,’ but now it needs world-class office space for ‘work." www.nytimes.comShould CEOs Respond When Employees Complain About Them Online?"If the decision is to reply to employee criticism, CEOs should remember that a response over social media is not just a response to the critical employee — it’s a message to everyone who comes across it, including potential shareholders, customers, and employeeI mas. As a general rule, simplicity and humility go a long way."[tweet_box design="box_09" float="none"]Good advice all the way around: "As a general rule, simplicity and humility go a long way." @harvardbiz[/tweet_box]Your Accountant Knows You Better Than You Know YourselfI married mine - tell me about it.

10 Podcasts That Will Make You Smarter"Hate your commute? Struggle to motivate yourself to hit the treadmill? Perhaps both these problems (and many more) have the same solution. Why not turn these odds and ends of unpleasant time into opportunities to learn by popping on a podcast? That's how many luminaries like Bill Gates manage to find time to feed their brains despite their insane schedules, after all.

All you need is a few good suggestions of where to start. A fabulously useful Quora thread responding to a questioner who wanted to know "What podcast has made you smarter?" offers tons of great ideas covering topics from design and spirituality to health and entrepreneurship. Happy listening!”

Why Delta Air Lines Paid Me $11,000 Not To Fly To Florida This Weekend10 things to know about getting bumped off a plane and how to get compensated handsomely.

[tweet_box design="box_09" float="none"]Screaming doesn’t work. Crying doesn’t work. Being nice? Now, that works[/tweet_box]

Your success blesses others. I wish you a great a hugely impactful week!
